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80 units in stock 12/27/2024

$320 each


Product Description

After 18 months of development I am offering this amazing Signal Generator, the TPI-1002-A. The hardware is amazing and the software is truly awesome.

You can download the User Manual for all the details (Just hit “Product Description” for the download)

I have sold over 6000 units of my 4 Versions of Signal Generators without a single return. 100% satisfaction. I have sold over 900 of these new generators.

Here is a brief description
This synthesizer utilizes the Analog Devices PLL integrated circuit ADF4351.

Output frequency range: 35 MHz to 4400 MHz
Fractional-N synthesizer and integer-N synthesizer
Low phase noise VCO (1GHz 10Khz offset = -91dBc/Hz)(2.4GHz = -86dBc/Hz)
Typical rms jitter:

TPI-1002-A Synthesizer FEATURES


Internal Reference is 10MHz Temperature Compensated Clock Oscillator at +/-1.5 ppm over temperature.
External Reference Input is -15 dBm to +10 dBm 50 ohm. Any standard 10MHz reference will work.
10MHz Reference Output available at front panel. The Reference is accessed via a BNC connector (New Metal Connectors). The output will drive a 50 ohm coaxial cable. DC Coupled 0v to 3.3v

The unit has been *calibrated and the RF Output Power is accurate within +/-1dBm with 90% of all readings within 0.6dB of reported power 35MHz to 4GHz.
Output Power is available from +10dBm to -70dBm for all frequencies (80dB linear range) in 1dB steps



Attenuator Features:
Attenuator section can be automatically stepped at any values between +10 to -70dBm (under the “SCAN” tab)

Attenuator can be manually stepped both up and down with many software features. You really need to look at the user manual.

Step size is adjustable
Attenuator Step speed is adjustable

RF Frequency Step Features:
RF Step function with 1 KHz resolution and selectable time per step (under the SCAN tab)
Single Step function Up/Down selectable step size
Single Step Function or Continuous loop


FM / OOK / FSK / Morse Code and Beacon Features :
A rich set of features located under the “Modulation” tab (see photo)
Load Test Scripts, Control Scripts, Modulation Scripts into on-board storage. Set the Control function button to whatever event you are using, release from the laptop and apply 5V Battery Power and run your scripts, your beacons or whatever you have configured. I use these small USB Power Banks to run the unit all day


Battery Power Input to allow the unit to “Stand Alone” and run test sequences stored in memory or Beacons or Morse Code. 5V at 350ma
Packaged in extruded Aluminum housing with Aluminum End Plates. (I have designed some Band Pass Filters and Low Pass Filters. Let me know if you need something specific.)
This package includes a CD with drivers and an executable file that will install and run on a PC with Windows XP, Win 7, Win 8 and Windows 10 (USB cable included).

An Atmel microcontroller (MCU) is used to communicate with the synthesizer, the attenuators, and various other devices within the unit. The MCU also facilitates communication with the host PC via a USB connection. When the unit receives power, the MCU configures the hardware to the state last saved within TPI Link. In this way, the TPI-1002-A can operate stand-alone as a fixed frequency signal generator, a scanner, a modulated signal generator, a radio beacon, or can run a stored script. TPI Link is used to control the unit in real-time and to configure the power up state of the unit. You can control as many units as you have USB ports. The TPI-1002-A uses the same software package as the TPI-1001-B and both devices can run simultaneously.

Software is the real prize with this unit. The software is incredible and very powerful. This unit far outweighs every other unit on eBay in performance and features. You can read the reviews on eBay but you should purchase it from my website.

Future software upgrades for both TPI Link and the MCU’s firmware can be distributed as a single PC application, a new version of TPI Link, which has the MCU’s firmware embedded within it. TPI Link can upload the new firmware directly to the unit without the need for any other programs or hardware.
The GUI, TPI Link, runs on a PC and communicates with the unit via the USB port. TPI Link can completely configure and operate the unit. The unit’s configuration can be saved in nonvolatile (persistent) memory in the unit for use each time the unit is powered. For this reason TPI Link does not necessarily have to be running whenever the unit is in use, but it facilitates many real-time activities and can monitor the various power supplies in the unit.

A very informative “Help” feature is included that describes all of the features found in the TPI-1002-A Signal Generator. The TPI-1002-A is similar to the TPI-1001-B and the Product Description covers both units.